Battery usage tips: how to use a battery properly

Using a battery is usually pretty straightforward. Sometimes, however, a little guesswork is needed to really get the most out of your battery. How do you store batteries? Can you mix different brands of batteries? What should you do when you notice leakage? Some proper battery usage tips always come in handy: find them out below!

1. Use the right battery

This one goes without saying: if your device needs AA batteries, use AA batteries only. Do not try using smaller batteries, as this could lead to imperfect contact. Of course, you may also use a battery spacer to change your battery size.

2. Don’t mix and match

If your device needs two or more batteries, always use the same type. Don’t mix up old and new batteries. If possible, only use batteries from the same package (and expiration date). Never use different brands in the same device, as different brands have a different battery composition and a different power level.

3. Handle with care

To state the obvious battery usage tip: handle all your batteries with care. While Panasonic batteries are made to be durable – you still shouldn’t scratch, throw, drop or heat up your battery. Never attempt to dismantle them: you have a high risk of damage to you and the environment.

4. Store when needed

When storing your batteries, all you need to remember is three things:

  • Store batteries high and safe: away from direct sunlight and children
  • Store batteries dry: make sure not to allow any moisture near the batteries
  • Store them in a non-conductive container away from jewelry and other metallic items

If they’re stored correctly, batteries generally retain their power for a long time. That’s why it’s important to store whenever you need to. If you plan on not using a device for a longer period of time, be sure to remove the batteries. Most devices perform periodical ‘checks’ to see if everything still works properly. Those checks take a tiny amount of energy. If these happen too frequently, leakage may occur.

5. Watch for leakage

You might ask: “What if I find battery leakage?” First of all, try not to touch any of the chemical discharge. Try to clean up the battery holder with a clean and dry cotton swab. If you do touch the discharge, remember to thoroughly wash your hands with water and soap. In case of eye contact or ingestion, immediately head to the nearest emergency room.

6. Charge (or don’t)

Know what you can and cannot charge. Only Panasonic rechargeable batteries can be recharged. Attempting to recharge single-use batteries may lead to overheating, fire or even an explosion.

7. Recycle

Did you know that up to 90% of the materials in batteries can be reused in other industries? That’s why one of the most important battery usage tips is to recycle as much as possible. You can bring both single-use batteries and rechargeable batteries to your nearest recycling point.